Owing the IRS is the worst thing that can happen to an individual taxpayer or company. The IRS can take everything you own to satisfy a debt, and they scare and intimidate many individuals. If the tax notices are coming and accumulating, you may have a critical tax problem. Don’t let this happen to you. Get help and protect your rights and property.
What is Tax Resolution?
Many taxpayers find it difficult to deal with the IRS alone and look for help. Fortunately, we specialize in tax resolution to help mitigiate or resolve matters with the IRS or state tax authorities.
Our tax resolution services help clients resolve critical tax debts such as payroll garnishments, individual income tax, business income tax, employer payroll taxes, liens, and bank levies with the IRS and state tax authorities by providing affordable payment solutions with the government on behalf of our clients. Having tax debt can be a complicated ordeal, and each tax solution is different. Although resolving tax debt can be accomplished alone, hiring a tax professional, such as an EA, can make the process much more manageable.
What We Do:
How It's Done:
Tax Resolution Services Include: